Basic tutorial


Getting started lesson 0: Hello World lesson1: you're very able Lesson 2: lets get funcky! lesson 3: but what if lesson 4: wait, is that math? lesson 5: No, I didn't say my jewels lesson 6: balista! lesson 7: game1 lesson 8: dict ... hey! get your mind out of the gutter! lesson 9: shhh, it's classified


This is for people who have never programmed before, have never used python and who would like to start creating games ASAP. Because a gaming engine is quite advanced by nature, there will be quite a few lessons where the code you will be asked to write will be above your level. We will just say it's magic for now, but as you go along, you will realise that what we talked about in that lesson is in the template.
If you are finding this tutorial a little over your head, you can ask your question by googling it, asking on the forums at or by reading a much more in depth python tutorial called Learn Python The Hard Way
The concepts will transfer, but this tutorial uses the pyaudiogame engine instead of the command line.
You also will not learn about many of the different tools and some of the syntax of python here. I would suggest you do both of the tutorials together, then by the time you're done, you will know enough to start making your own Swamp!
But if you are just revving to make that game, by all means, just follow this tutorial. it is perfectly fine on its own!